Our Story
The HOUSE, formerly Salvation House, started to develop in July 2013 and then officially planted in September of 2013. Our full name is The House of Shiloh and was prayerfully sought as we continued to see Holy Spirits direction for this name. Shiloh translates into peace among other meanings. We were originally called Salvation Chapel and started out in a lawn bowling clubhouse. We moved out of the little clubhouse after about three months and found a bigger place in a funeral home. We had a saying... "We put the fun back in funeral". Our little fellowship started in the RCCG domination and planted through Victory Chapel in Victoria BC. Our services were held in Sands Funeral Chapel located in Colwood BC for over two years. Around the two year mark Holy Spirit directed us to move. Seeking God's direction through prayer and fasting we replanted in January of 2016, in the Tillicum area, at 550 Obed Ave. The HOUSE is now associated and partnered with the Apostolic Church of Pentecost (ACOP) as of September 2018. We are currently taking residents in an another ACOP church called City Light.
Overview: Our vision for The HOUSE is based around community with a servant leadership model where by a team of leaders/shepherds cares for and equips the people. This comes from the Ephesians 4 model (Ephesians 4:11-16), where the Apostles, the Prophets, the Evangelists, the Pastors and Teachers work together to equip His people for the works of the Kingdom. This model effectively builds the body of Christ into maturity and does not promote or elevate any one leader. We believe this is the Ekklesia model that Jesus originally intended for the body.
You are welcome here. Our hope is to make this HOUSE feel like your home.

Current Vision and Application:
Things have changed since 2020; the vision for the HOUSE has never changed even though the application on how to apply the vision has.
This is a very interesting season for the body of Christ, to say the least. It is so import today, than ever before, to have community and unity among believers. It is also imperative that we all start growing into and applying Christ like character in all that we do and say.
Applying our church vision has come in different variations over the years so it’s nothing new for us to change again. So here is a short overview of what we are now working on...
Growing Together - The How...
Too often we come together on a Sunday never really knowing each other outside that Sunday Service.
Sunday Service:
Sunday’s will be about worship, praying for people and discipleship. We will have short sermons on Sunday. Guest speakers will be accommodated with a little longer time frame. The focus on our regular Sunday gathering is always about living the Gospel that is transforming us! We want to be mindful and listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying for the body. Your growth is the main priority; doing life together, discipleship minded, and being a Church Without Walls.
Come see what God is building!
Our Values
• Holy Spirit empowered
• Building Community
• Discipleship focused
• Prayer, worship, & fellowship
• Servant Leadership
• Love behind every action
• Embody Biblical teaching
• Spiritual Growth / Transformation
• Community Outreach
• Everything to glorify Jesus
Five Keys: Community, Discipleship, Outreach, Prayer, Studying the Word.
Our Core Leadership Team
Associate Pastor
David is true to his name and is a man after Gods heart. Dave's passion is to help others and preach the Word. He has an overflowing compassion for others and is always around to lend a hand. Dave loves to pray and minister to people every chance he gets, he is an amazing asset to our team, and soon to be commissioned into the ACOP as a recognized leader.
Favourite Scriptures: Philippians 4:8 | 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Dave on Facebook
Spiritual Care
Darlene has been commissioned by the ACOP into leadership. She has her masters in Spiritual Formation and graduated in 2020. Darlene loves her prayer closet, studying the word, and teaching. She has a strong desire to see the body of Christ in a community of fellowship. Her passion is to teach others how to have a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus.
Favourite Scriptures: Philippians 4:19 | Jeremiah 29:11
Darlene on Facebook